Precision Of Surveying Equipment
Precision Of Surveying Equipment : Before doing the construction in a site. A survey is performed in a site to review the conditions of terrain that whether it is plan or hilly. Because survey describes the level of the ground surface before the construction of building or road. The precision of the equipment gives the more dimension of the terrain or the precise volume of the cut or fill. So the equipment are used to minimize the error i.e human or technical. The following are the surveying equipment which are discussed below: Theodolite Drone GPS(Global Positioning System) Total Station Laser Distance Meter(LDM) Theodolite: Theodolite is a device which assures the accuracy in the framework for the precise mapping. It consist of a telescope pivoted with horizontal and vertical axes both. It measures the angle with the smaller intervals of 10 to 20minutes. By also repeating the process of the averaging to ensure the precision of the readings in it. For the measuring the precise long-ra...